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Artificial intelligence and knowledge management in evaluation synthesis: increasing impact and sustainability

March 2025 I WP3518

WP3518 event image

Reference number



Programme Director
Neil Briscoe

Project Manager
Sandry Koo

As the body of global evaluation evidence grows across the development and foreign policy sector, so too has the need for effective Knowledge Management (KM) to ensure that programme managers, policy officers and decision makers can find, understand and use evidence in multiple formats. These efforts also come in the context of a shared understanding of evaluation evidence synthesis as a global public good.

The opportunities are vast, but harnessing the potential of both KM and AI mechanisms to enhance evidence-based decision making is challenging – ethical issues, security concerns, complex organisational structures, a lack of validated AI tools and nuanced evaluation evidence can act as barriers, as well as broader concerns about equity and representation.

This dialogue will focus on understanding current and potential opportunities for advancing the use of AI for global evaluation evidence synthesis and identifying good practice to support utilisation and the broader enabling culture. The key aim will be to identify and agree on a roadmap for cross-agency collaboration on AI for evaluation evidence synthesis, underpinned by effective KM. As part of this, consideration will be given to identifying/developing guidance, frameworks, policies, expertise and tools that will support staff to leverage the technology safely, responsibly and transparently.

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Canada Global Affairs

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