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Africa and non-proliferation treaty regime [WP1132]

With the upcoming 2012 NPT PrepCom kicking off the 2015 NPT review process, this timely conference assessed the state of the nuclear non-proliferation regime and identified what the 2010 NPT Action Plan can offer African states. The role of African states in the 2015 NPT review process and the wider nuclear non-proliferation regime, including nuclear industry was also discussed.

The conference asked questions on the objectives below:

  • Gauge the state of the global nuclear non-proliferation regime and identify the priorities of African states within the regime
  • Assess how African security and development priorities align with global non-proliferation objectives
  • Evaluate to what extent the role of African states can be enhanced in the NPT review process and in the broader nuclear non-proliferation regime, and how to best implement this enhanced role
  • Identify the disarmament and non-proliferation education needs of African states
  • Assess how to most effectively operationalize the Pelindaba Treaty
  • Discuss whether regional lessons of disarmament and non-proliferation cases are applicable to Africa
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