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Addressing contemporary security threats: what role for the United Nations? (WPS04/15)

With the establishment by the United Nations Secretary-General of a High Level Panel “… to recommend clear and practical measures for ensuring effective collective action, based upon a rigorous analysis of future threats to peace and security…”, the consultation aims to assist the Panel’s work by focusing discussion on what should and can be changed to improve the UN’s promotion of various aspects of collective security.

  • What types of crisis has the UN proved effective in addressing, and which have proved more problematic for it?
  • When should it authorise the use of force, and what constraints can it exercise over a state authorised to use force?
  • What other instruments should it employ, and when, to prevent nuclear proliferation and the development of other forms of weapons of mass destruction?
  • How effective is it in combating terrorism and tackling human security issues such as human rights, democratisation and extreme poverty?
  • How can the Security Council be revitalised?
  • How can the core problem of UN-US relations be improved?
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