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Acting responsibly in cyberspace 2024

Monday April 15 - Wednesday April 17 2024 I WP3348

Acting responsiblity in cyberspace 2024 resized

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Associate Programme Director
Rob Black

Project Manager
Gemma Funnell

In November 2022, Wilton Park, in partnership with the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), held the first in a series of dialogues on the topic of Acting Responsibly in Cyberspace. This series of events promotes practical discussion of responsible cyber behaviour by considering four principles: accountability, legitimacy, transparency and inclusivity. The objective of these dialogues is to build cooperation between relevant government and non-government stakeholders from a range of countries.

The second event in the series is held in partnership with the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile. Building on the debate at the first dialogue, and reflecting the UK and Chile’s shared priorities in this area, this second event occurs at an opportune moment to consider responsible cyber behaviour in practice. At UN First Committee, the mandate of the OEWG concludes in 2025, with the scope of the future process still uncertain. The UN WSIS process will next be subject to renewal at the UN General Assembly in 2025 (“WSIS+20”).

In January 2024, the UK and France launched the Pall Mall Process, a new international, multistakeholder initiative through which to consider the future of the commercial market. We will see Global Digital Compact and Pact for the Future negotiations in 2024, as well as a Summit for the Future. A cyber-crime treaty is expected to be agreed in 2024. The road to 2025 will therefore be a critical inflection point for cyberspace governance, with the likely establishment of lasting precedents and processes.

This dialogue seeks to complement these discussions. It will reflect on recent geopolitical events related to cyberspace and consider how to build a whole of society approach to cyber security, including expectations of industry, public-private partnership, and how best to encourage and incentivise responsible cyber behaviour by states and stakeholders. We will explore how to safeguard a human centric approach and consider regional perspectives on cyber security agendas, particularly from participating Latin American states.

The key objective of this dialogue is to facilitate and develop a trusted community that can make a real contribution to international discussion on what it means to act responsibly in cyberspace. In doing so we will forge new partnerships and build co-operation between relevant government, civil society and non-governmental stakeholders.

In partnership with

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