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Accelerating sustainable development in Africa: scaling up peaceful nuclear uses

Tuesday 30 April – Friday 3 May 2024 | WP3330

Table Mountain in South Africa by night

Reference number



Senior Programme Director
Mark Smith

Project Manager
Andrea Fallon

Considering the growing urgency to take action on energy security, climate change and sustainable development, Wilton Park, the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP), Dalberg, and the Sustained Dialogue on Peaceful Uses, in association with African Commission for Nuclear Energy (AFCONE), are organising a three-day, multi-stakeholder workshop focusing on the nuclear-development-climate nexus.

Among the many challenges that developing countries face, energy poverty is the most critical. Nuclear power can contribute to bringing billions of people out of poverty while mitigating carbon emissions and global warming. Advanced nuclear reactors, including small modular reactor (SMRs) and micro-reactors, have the potential to bring nuclear power within the reach of developing countries and contribute to a just energy transition.

These technologies can also power energy intensive industries and other activities, including hydrogen and medical isotope production and desalination. A growing number of African countries are considering adding nuclear power to their energy mix and increasing their application of nuclear science and technology to improve their health, agriculture and industrial sectors.

Early engagement between reactor vendors and African end users is required to deploy these technologies safely, securely and responsibly. Maximising the benefits of peaceful nuclear uses will also require a substantial investment by governments, industry, investment funds, development agencies, international financial institutions and private philanthropy.

Workshop participants will consider these, and other issues related to the deployment of advanced reactors and the promotion of peaceful nuclear uses in Africa and identify actions that will facilitate the further development in these countries.

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