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A more confident and inclusive Northern Ireland  

A more confident and inclusive Northern Ireland event image

Reference number


Wilton Park was established as part of an initiative inspired by Winston Churchill to help re-establish peace and democracy in Europe in the aftermath of the Second World War. Discussions on how to promote peace, reconciliation and understanding have been a core mandate of Wilton Park ever since. 

This conference centres on Northern Ireland whose history has been marked by conflict, change, and peace-building, with the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement of 1998 a watershed moment in ending the period of the Troubles. Northern Ireland has seen genuine progress since then and, despite challenges that still exist, there is huge potential for its future and for the next generation. Following on from Northern Ireland’s 2021 Centenary year, this meeting brings together key actors from politicians, academics, civil society and young people to reflect on the key issues, challenges and opportunities for Northern Ireland in the next decade. 

It will explore the conditions needed for Northern Ireland to really thrive and shape a prosperous and vibrant future, as well as work through the remaining challenges affecting Northern Ireland’s success and post conflict transformation and ask what needs to change in Northern Ireland over the coming years and decades in order to fully realise the hopes and ambitions of Northern Ireland’s young people. 

In partnership with Northern Ireland Office (NIO) & Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

Wilton Park reference number: WP1994

Image taken at the the Northern Ireland Youth Action Centenary Programme event.

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