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Environmental policy statement


Wilton Park recognises that its operational activities directly impact upon the environment.  We are committed to continually improving our environmental performance, protecting the environment, preventing pollution and minimising to the extent reasonably practicable, adverse environmental impacts.

Our key environmental commitments include:
  • minimising our use of resources by producing less waste, and reusing and recycling more;
  • actively managing our energy use to reduce our carbon footprint;
  • actively managing our water consumption;
  • employing sound environmental practices for the selection, procurement, use and disposal of food, materials, goods, and services;
  • using environmentally-sensitive products and services;
  • recognising the significant contribution that Wilton Park staff, suppliers and customers can make in minimising the organisation’s environmental footprint.
We will work to fulfil these commitments through a range of measures that include:
  • reviewing and understanding the environmental impact of our activities;
  • complying with all relevant environmental laws and regulations, and any other environmental requirements to which we subscribe;
  • setting clear environmental objectives which are in accordance with ‘Greener Government Commitments’ and making progress towards those targets. The targets cover greenhouse gas emissions, and reductions in waste, domestic flights, water and paper consumption;
  • reducing energy and resource consumption in line with current best practice;
  • implementing the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) policy on sustainable procurement and complying with the Greener Government Commitments’ requirements on sustainable procurement;
  • Avoiding single-use plastics where feasible within our estate, procuring more sustainable alternatives and disposing of products in the correct manner;
  • avoiding the use of toxic and environmentally damaging materials where possible and preventing the accidental release of polluting substances;
  • actively monitoring performance against objectives and targets;
  • implementing high standards in our use of resources;
  • openly communicating our progress in reducing environmental impact to interested internal and external parties and responding appropriately to reasonable requests for information (including Environmental Information Regulation requests);
  • ensuring that this policy is understood, implemented and advocated at all levels in the organisation and is supported by appropriate guidance and training.

This policy statement was approved by Tom Cargill, Chief Executive in June 2022 and will be reviewed in June 2023.

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