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Modern slavery, regulations and investment: finding a balanced approach to SDG8

February 2025 I WP3406



February 2025

Reference number



Programme Director
Ľubica Polláková

Project Manager
Sandry Koo

As global supply chain measures continue to evolve, many businesses in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs) face increasing  challenges in aligning with transparency and due diligence requirements from markets, regulators and investors.

This event seeks to explore innovative solutions that balance the urgency of tackling modern slavery with the broader goals of SDG8, which also emphasises enterprise growth, decent work, and sustainable economic development.

This conference will discuss the following:

  • How best to ensure that international buyers fulfil their responsibilities to help EMDE businesses meet market and regulatory requirements.
  • To identify tools and approaches that empower EMDE businesses to sustainably identify, address and remediate modern slavery in their own supply chains without creating a new dependence: for example, where donor capacity-building assistance is not available or supportive commercial buyer relationships have not yet been established.
  • Contribute to addressing modern slavery in global supply chains, evolving sustainable, market-based local solutions could help EMDE businesses demonstrate and price in the fair value of their efforts to supply chain partners, reassure thematically concerned or motivated investors, and also have spillover benefits towards addressing the issue in local and domestic supply chains, which receive less attention.

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