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Proposed actions

Monday 11 – Wednesday 13 March 2024 I WP3326

KENYA – WASH NFI Distribution – AAH

Participants repeatedly emphasised the need to identify a suite of concrete actions, each with clear ownership and delivery dates, to advance the Declaration. On the final day, the proposals and actions identified throughout the dialogue were grouped and summarized by categories: finance, programming, evidence building, localisation and country platforms. Some actions aim at advocacy during key policy processes in 2024 (see Figure 3), while others are focused on technical work. The main actions were as follows.

  • Identify geographies based on willingness of actors, existing communities of practice and availability of platforms to anchor the implementation of the Declaration.
  • Adopt a needs-based finance approach that is based on assessment of the landscape, barriers and opportunities to build a coalition of actors to advance the Declaration.
  • Use the coalition to synchronise risk analysis frameworks, explore the United Nations Climate Security Mechanism, galvanise climate finance, interrogate people-centred approaches to support countries’ building of climate resilience, form partnerships with all levels of government and non-government partners, and build on the knowledge of existing national and international networks.
  • Use the coalition to promote risk-informed linking, layering and sequencing of interventions by multiple actors with the objective of building climate resilience.
  • Strengthen the evidence base of successful linked and sequenced interventions that build climate resilience.
  • Create a repository of information on FCAS.
  • Engage with UNFCCC processes to amplify the needs of FCAS.
  • Engage proactively with key political and policy processes, including those beyond UNFCCC, to advance the Declaration.

Figure 3: Time scales

Next steps

  • Participants agreed to review the actions emerging from the Dialogue to identify concrete actions to take forward in support of the Declaration, timelines and actor responsibilities.
  • Participants agreed to convene regular meetings to advance the agenda.
  • Participants agreed to engage with actors, in particular those from FCAS, that were not present at the Dialogue and bring them into the coalitions being built to advance the Declaration.

Manisha Gulati Wilton Park | May 2024

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Dialogue: Key points of discussion

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