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Data, evidence and advocacy

Wednesday 14 – Friday 16 February 2024 I WP3346

CHIldren displaced in a changing climate

Data and evidence

Improving the collective evidence base supporting action through better data, research and analysis was identified as a core component to moving our joint priorities going forward. Strengthening data systems and governance architectures to plan for, track and monitor climate-related displacement of children and leveraging innovative technologies to help predict and simulate disasters were highlighted by several participants. Where possible, data should be disaggregated by age, sex, location, ethnicity, household income and other key social and demographic variables to inform more targeted and effective investment and interventions by governments, humanitarian and development partners.

The need to make better use of existing data, and avoid duplication, redundancy, and generation of ‘evidence for evidence’s sake’ came through strongly in the discussions. The importance of better understanding evidence end-users and ensuring meaningful participation of affected populations in data collection, research and knowledge partnerships is also essential, in order to involve communities as co-creators, equipping them with skills to create their own research, communicate evidence with impact, and tell their own stories. Several of the youth participants flagged, in particular, the need for more research into migration as adaptation, and learning from case studies of maladaptation, to inform programming and policy. There was also consensus on the need for multi-disciplinary research collaboration, more commitments to implement science-led research and evaluations on ‘what works’ in terms of promising and potential scalable interventions, and the potential for informing anticipatory action through foresight methodologies.

Potential next steps:
  • Explore the opportunity to include a section on child displacement in the next IPCC.
  • Explore the possibility of a a multi-disciplinary study integrating geospatial mapping, data layers showing relative deprivation index (children) and climate hazard exposure, to identify and show ‘hotspots’, and complementary case study research on examples of climate migration as adaptation and maladaptation.
  • Expand opportunities for meaningful, inclusive participatory research approaches and opportunities for knowledge partnerships with children, young people and their families impacted by climate change-induced migration.  

Migration as adaptation


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