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Green Grids Initiative: developing the action agenda


Following the successful launch of the Green Grids Initiative – One Sun One World One Grid (GGI-OSOWOG) partnership at COP26, and the Glasgow Power Breakthrough, it is crucial that we capitalise on this momentum ahead of COP27, and ensure that clean power becomes the most affordable and reliable option for all countries to meet their power needs efficiently by 2030.

A shared challenge across all countries as part of the clean energy transition is the need to build and operate electricity grids that can absorb large shares of variable renewable energy and deliver a massive scale-up of secure, reliable and affordable power to underpin decarbonisation of economies through widespread and rapid electrification. To achieve this, we need new transmission lines crossing frontiers and time zones.

This retreat will bring together key state and non-state actors to build consensus around a set of priorities, and strengthen the GGI ‘ecosystem’, by building a caucus of organisations/individuals to take forward this exciting endeavour

In partnership with Green Grids Initiative, BEIS, Climate Parliament, COP26 Presidency 

Read more about the Green Grids Initiative and see the list of signatory countries here

Wilton Park reference number: WP2037

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