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Supporting NPT diplomacy

In partnership with FCDO, Los Alamos National Lab, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Finland.

With the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) being once again postponed to January 2022, NPT diplomacy is under significant time pressures for successful outcomes. The international security environment has evolved since the last NPT meeting in early 2019, and issues such as the status of the JCPOA, the future of nuclear arms control, the challenges to disarmament diplomacy and intra-NPT consensus about it, the nuclear status of North Korea, and the dynamics of NPT processes themselves all present significant obstacles and will require informal, offline engagement between key stakeholders.  

This private, invitation-only Wilton Park dialogue aims to assess the diplomatic, political and strategic challenges for the global nuclear non-proliferation regime, and to support NPT diplomacy in the run-up to the tenth NPT Review Conference.  It will provide an opportunity for a core group of policymakers and subject matter experts from key NPT states and international as well as non-governmental organisations to assess the current state of play and what can be done to prepare for a successful Review. 

Wilton Park reference number: WP2001

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