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Green Grids Initiative-One Sun One World One Grid, Northwest Europe Cooperative Event

COP26 Presidency, International Solar Alliance (ISA), World Bank Group, the UK Government and the Government of India are hosting this event in partnership with Wilton Park.

A shared challenge across all countries as part of the clean energy transition is to build and operate electricity grids that can absorb large shares of variable renewable energy and still deliver a massive scale-up of secure, reliable and affordable power to underpin decarbonisation of economies through widespread and rapid electrification. To achieve this, we need new transmission lines crossing frontiers and time zones.  

Ahead of the formal launch of ‘Green Grids Initiative-One Sun One World One Grid’ (GGI-OSOWOG) during the World Leaders Summit at COP26 in Glasgow, this cooperative event organised by the UK COP26 Presidency and the India Presidency of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), will bring together governments, international financial and technical organisations, legislators, power system operators, developers and knowledge leaders to discuss the political, financial, and technical barriers across global grid networks.  

The event will facilitate a multi-layered dialogue between the OSOWOG initiative and the experience in Northwest Europe of developing cross-border trading of renewable electricity generation, as a leading and early example of the wider approach under the GGI-OSOWOG in promoting international political cooperation, technical collaboration, and knowledge exchange.  

High-level speakers will include ministers from partner countries: Kwasi Kwarteng, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, UK; Raj Kumar Singh, Minister for Power and New & Renewable Energy, India; Dr Ajay Mathur, Director General, ISA – as well as senior representatives from governments, the private sector and international institutions, with many more to follow. 

The event will focus on laying the foundations for a future work programme of dialogue and assistance under the GGI-OSOWOG initiative to support India’s OSOWOG vision and the UK’s COP26 Energy Transition Council process for accelerating clean energy transition in key economies. Further events on the GGI-OSOWOG, which will outline its ambition going forward, will be hosted at the COP26 Summit in Glasgow in November. 

In the first three sessions, we will discuss regional and international collaboration, financing and technical and regulatory cooperation; details of individual sessions to follow shortly. If you are able to join us for these virtual sessions, please click here to complete a short registration form. 

The high-level closing plenary to be held on Tuesday 12 October at 1045-1200 BST will be live-streamed on the Wilton Park YouTube channel. This part of the event will take place in a Webinar format which will be live-streamed to engage with a wider audience. Discussions will be held in English. 

Live stream available here on 12 October at 1030 BST

Wilton Park reference number: WP1990V

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