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Race to Zero: Greening Faith Operations

Race to Net Zero – DO NOT USE

COP26 in Glasgow in November 2021, will be a critical moment for meeting the Paris Agreement target of keeping global temperature rises below 1.5 degrees. Faith leaders are preparing an appeal to COP26, that will set out the moral imperative of caring for creation. But can the faiths also set a practical example of greening their own activities and lead the way by example in the race to zero?

Many faith groups are already engaged in creative initiatives to benefit the environment – from planting trees, greening their places of worship and powering their footprint by clean renewable energy.

This expert workshop aims to stimulate thinking about how such action can be brought to scale and what tools and partnerships are available to operationalise Net Zero.

The workshop will focus on greening the assets that faiths hold – land, buildings and investments.

Wilton Park reference number: WP1888V8

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