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British-German Alumni: Germany in a post-Merkel era


When she stands down after the elections in September, Angela Merkel will have been Chancellor of Germany for 16 years. Recent German chancellors have served long in office – Konrad Adenauer ran West Germany for 14 years, Helmut Kohl for 16 – making a change of chancellor the opportunity for a reset in German politics. But what will a reset look like? Merkel’s departure makes an unpredictable election more so. The conservative Christian Democratic Union may still lead the next government (potentially in coalition with the Christian Social Union), but the political landscape in Germany will be characterized differently. What are the implications of German politics beyond Merkel?

  • What does a reset mean for Germany, Europe and the wider world?
  • What does it mean for the UK-Germany relationship?
  • What will Greens in government mean for the UK-Germany relationship and foreign policy?

Panellists include Maurice Hirt, President of the German Society at the London School of Economics and Stefanie Bolzen, UK & Ireland Correspondent, Die WELT.



Summary notes

WP1789V1 Summary discussion
WP1789V2 Summary discussion
WP1789V3 Summary discussion

Wilton Park reference number: WP1789V5

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