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Colombia and the United Kingdom ahead of COP26: partnering to build back better (WP1889V)

This joint UK-Colombia conference, under the umbrella of the Year of UK-Colombia 2021, will explore how the two countries can further strengthen their partnership in support of a sustainable economic recovery and a successful COP26.  

Colombia is playing a leading role in Latin America in setting out an ambitious green growth path. As such, Colombia has become a key partner for the United Kingdom (UK) in its role as host of COP26.

Both the UK and Colombia share a long-standing collaboration on issues such as peace, security, mutual prosperity and environment.  Regarding the sustainable growth agenda, in 2019 both countries reaffirmed their joint commitment of working together on the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals through the UK-COL Partnership for Sustainable Growth. This platform is aimed at exploring and encouraging joint work on similar views on climate and biodiversity, seeing them as two sides of the same coin.

This Wilton Park conference aims to support each country’s objectives for building back better and for a successful COP26 with ambitious outcomes:

  • Highlight and strengthen Colombia’s regional leadership role in developing a sustainable COVID-19 economic recovery plan
  • Examine how success in building back better can bring wider benefits to joint work on supporting peace, reducing deforestation and its drivers, tackling inequality, promoting gender and better human rights, and supporting better and greater trade and investment
  • Provide an opportunity to strengthen bilateral relations, including by helping to change outdated UK perceptions of Colombia and vice-versa – a key overarching aim of the UKCOL 2021 programme.

In partnership with The British Embassy in Colombia and the Colombian Embassy in the United Kingdom.

Image used under license from

Wilton Park reference number: WP1889V

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