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Reimagining nature-based solutions in Nigeria: working together on successful nature-based solutions in the lead up to COP26 (WP1885V)

African farmer

Event programme

WP1885V1 | 18 February
WP1885V2 | 19 February

This dialogue will bring people together from across Nigeria to discuss the relevance of nature-based solutions for building resilience to climate change, debate the major challenges around the implementation, governance and financing of nature-based solutions and how to overcome them, and examine how various stakeholders can work together for successful, sustainable nature-based solutions in Nigeria.

This dialogue is part of a series of dialogues. It will be interactive with keynote speakers at the start of each day, to reflect on the role of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation and resilience in the lead up to COP26 and beyond (26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties), and what it will take to scale them up.

Natural systems are on the front-line of the fight against climate change, both because they are impacted by climate change, and because they have high potential for delivering multiple ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, livelihoods enhancement, regulation of air, soil and water quality, and pollination.

Nigerian ecosystems (such as mangroves in the Niger-Delta and savannahs in the north) are constantly under threat from climate change, impacting the wellbeing and resilience of the millions of citizens whose livelihoods depend on farming and fisheries. This risks undermining economic development, pushing millions further into food insecurity and poverty.

If Nigeria is to meet the Paris Agreement, there needs to be a full-scale transition of its energy systems, and a transition in the way the land and ocean resources are managed. Agriculture, deforestation, and energy are the main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions in Nigeria, but these sectors also have the highest mitigation potential.

The UK recognises that healthy ecosystems underpin global food and nutrition security, and can provide direct livelihoods for millions in Nigeria, including citizens that are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In the lead-up to COP26 in November 2021 and beyond, we will seek to ensure that finance, capacity building and co-operation are available to unlock nature’s potential to help increase ambition for climate mitigation and adaption, and that this is reflected in an enhanced commitment to implementing nature-based solutions at all levels.

Nigeria has shown leadership on biodiversity and has signed up to the Global Ocean Alliance, Commonwealth Clean Ocean Alliance, High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, and the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature. However, more innovation and cooperation are required in transitioning to sustainable agriculture and land-use, improving ocean resilience and coastal sustainability, and scaling-up of other existing initiatives and mechanisms, recognised under the Paris Agreement.

Through this meeting, we aim to develop and consolidate an effective community of practitioners and actors to promote the design, development and upscaling of nature-based solutions in Nigeria.

Participants will be invited from across Nigeria from a number of sectors including government, business, academia, NGOs and civil society, development partners and representatives from the UK Government.

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