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Data responsibility in humanitarian action: from principle to practice (WP1688)


Humanitarian organisations are collecting and sharing more data than ever before. This trend will continue as more systems, sensors and people come online in crisis settings. How the humanitarian community handles the data revolution to inform decisions and improve lives will be a key determinant of its future effectiveness.

As part of its efforts to build data responsibility into the daily practices of humanitarian organisations, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Centre for Humanitarian Data, in collaboration with Wilton Park, is convening an event to advance discussions around the responsible and safe sharing of data about crisis-affected people.

The meeting will explore key questions in relation to responsible data use in crisis response. In particular, participants will consider issues with regard to the technological, policy, and procedural requirements for responsible data management and, relatedly, the mitigation of digital risk and management of critical incidents.

Format and objectives

The 48 hour off the record, residential meeting, to be held over 3 days/2 nights, will include roundtable discussions in plenary and smaller breakout groups.

It aims to:

  • Build a shared understanding on good and bad practice in the management of humanitarian data;
  • Align around a vision and requirements (operational guidance, skills, resources, etc.) for data responsibility in the humanitarian system; and
  • Agree on collaborative mechanisms for realising data responsibility in practice


Data Responsibility In Humanitarian Action: Building Trust Through Dialogue (Centre for Humanitarian Data)

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