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The nuclear non-proliferation regime towards the 2020 NPT Review Conference (WP1633)

The 23rd Wilton Park nuclear non-proliferation conference assessed the challenges and opportunities for NPT diplomacy and processes but also the wider global regime.

  • What are the decisive trends in the regime and what are their impacts?
  • How can the nuclear non-proliferation policies of the P5 be expected to converge or diverge and what are the implications of either?
  • What pathways forward on Iran’s nuclear programme?
  • How to overcome the political and perceptual barriers to delivering technical cooperation on nuclear energy in ways that incorporate nuclear security as an integral part of the offer?
  • What trajectory for international policy towards North Korea?
  • What are the strategic dynamics of extended deterrence and how can they be expected to evolve in the near and medium run?
  • What prospects for breaking the stalemate in US-Russia reductions, and in what format might the bilateral dialogue restart?
  • What implications for the NPT and nuclear non-proliferation regime of erosion/decline/disintegration of this framework?
  • What prospects for the TPNW entering into force before 2020, and what effect will this have?
  • How will the Treaty affect the context for pathways to disarmament?
  • What is the likely impact of both the Treaty and the disarmament issue on the run-up to 2020, and what can reasonably be considered a success there?
  • What priorities and challenges for the PrepCom and RevCon process in NPT diplomacy towards 2020?

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