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Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: collaboration, consensus and communication (WP1443)


Talks on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) have been proceeding since 2013, and both sides want to see consensus reached in 2016.

This event discussed how we can deliver a genuinely 21st century trade agreement. In particular, the meeting considered the vision and narrative for TTIP, examining both that which was set out originally and also what has changed subsequently over time. Given the intense public debate around TTIP, what would a deal look like that can win support from Member States, elected politicians and the public? Is this deliverable given the current state of negotiations?

Bringing together elected politicians, trade experts, stakeholders and senior officials from the EU and US, this event aimed to make a strong contribution to a TTIP agreement in 2016.


We asked four participants ‘What would a successful TTIP mean to you?’.

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