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Foreign policy implications of multiculturalism: strategy and practice (WP1156)


This event was held in association with the US Embassy and the Institute for Government.

This inaugural 90 Minute Dialogue on multiculturalism in foreign policy began with a view from Spencer Boyer, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, on the US’s efforts to reach diverse audiences, in the context of both US ideals and more practical measures to counter violent extremism, support human rights, and promote democracy and tolerance.

The ensuing discussion provided an opportunity to share views on US, UK and other policies regarding multiculturalism from the perspective of a wide range of opinion formers both within and outside government.

90 Minute Dialogues are a new initiative recreating one session of a Wilton Park meeting in London.

The 90 minutes began with one or two initial speakers introducing the theme in a round table, off the record format, followed by dialogue and debate between the 40-50 personally invited experts in that particular field. There was then be a chance to continue discussion more informally over drinks.

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