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Energy and climate security post-Bali: from recognition to practice [WP923]

This conference discussed the following points:

This annual conference, held in partnership with the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), will bring together governments, international organisations, the REEEP network and the private sector to focus on specific themes which address how the development of renewable energy can be scaled up quickly and energy efficiencies increased.

Key points:

  • Other notable recent meetings included the fourth session of the Gleneagles Dialogue4 involving the G8 and five outreach countries which account for 80% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The G20 Chiba dialogue helped feed into the G8 meeting.5 Its emphases were on technology, finance and investment, as well as the post-2012 climate change framework.
  • It involved an honest and frank exchange of the opinions on the post-2012 framework. In addition, the G8 environment ministers met in Kobe on May 24-26th. This included the Kobe Call for Action for Biodiversity 6 and the Kobe New Action Plan toward a Global Zero Waste Society
  • As well as contributing towards the emerging consensus on long-term goals (low carbon societies), the approach to the post-2012 framework expressed a need for effective mid-term targets in line with the findings of the IPCC, the need for development for emissions trading, carbon offsetting, etc. and cooperation among developing and developed countries.

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